Friday, September 26, 2008

stupid IDiots!!!!!!!!!!

I don't really know how are people should i label them..? Self-centred or inconsiderate of others feelings. I don't get it. Why is it so hard that, for once, you take the first step or even just tolerate? I always have to care of what you would feel and i always have to go out of class to talk to you. Is it so hard for you to just take a few steps to come and talk to me. If you have something to tell me then walk to me and tell don't ask me to go to you like as if i am your slave. It's not i who have anything to say. Another thing, can you people just grow up. Just accept the fact that no matter how close you are to your friends, there's just a day that they will not have the mood to care. but that doesn't mean that they will not care anymore or they don't want to be friends no more. I have my own life too. I don't have the time to go and 'play' your type of games all the time. You want to act and find for sympathy and attention from others go ahead but i don't need that. JUst count me out on that. And if you all don't change i doubt that our friendship will last as long as we wanted it to. So long..bye.

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