Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why is it so hard to tell!?!?!?!

It really annoys me when someone come to me for help ( counseling ) and refuse to tell me the whole story/event/incident. If you're so reluctant to tell then don't ask me for help because i can't help if i don't even know what is going on. Especially after asking so many times and yet you still refuse to tell, then just keep your problems to yourself man. I really don't have the patience to deal with your nonsense.

OK now, back to trials. Had my first paper today. It wasn't as difficult as i thought it would be but it wasn't that easy too. Some of the question really doesn't make sense to me at all. So i don't put too much hope on getting an 'A' for that paper. By the way its Pengajian Am which is General Paper in English. It is just a very bad start for my trials. Hopefully it will get better, at least for me. So that's all that happen today basically. Nowadays, i feel really tired and sleepy all the time. Maybe it's stress or maybe it's just lack of sleep. I don't really know but it's not a big deal. Will update further about the trials and my life soon. Bye tc...

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