Saturday, August 16, 2008

hols...does it make any difference???

today, officially the holidays started but i don't find it very stress free. I just feel so stress living with my dad. I always feel that my every move is being watch and i don feel comfortable at all. Today, again, i stood up to him and blurted all that is in my mind. I can't even go out with my close friends without a curfew. i know i sounded like a spoil brat and my dad is just being a concern dad, but trust me my dad is one in a million. he only let me have like 2 hours with my friends even if my friends just came back from somewhere far or someone that i haven't seen for long. He is just so inconsiderate. I feel like living in a jail. So what if you have a house but be treated like that. Now holidays has started meaning i have to stay at home and face him more than ever. its not that i don't like being at home. It's just that he will just make my life a living hell. He will just find a way to annoy me. Lately i always quarrel with him about simple things but i just can't stand it. Thankfully i have Y.K.W. to be there when i need someone to talk to or when i just need someone to accompany me. i just want to say i love you for being such an understanding friend, even though i may be a little harsh on you at times but you still will listen to my problems. I thank you with all my heart. And to Kok Hong, thank for listening to my problems for over 8 years now. tc...

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